State of Incorporation
What type of company do you wish to form?
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Client Type
U.S. Client
International Client
Indicate the services you are interested in.
Incorporation Package (includes Name Search, Same Day Filing with the Secretary of State's Office, 24-hour Expedited Service, digital Certificate of Incorporation, 1 year of Registered Agent Service, Corporate Kit)
DE State Fee: Priority 1 hour service
DE State Fee: Priority 2 hour service
DE State Fee: Same day service
Certified Copy with a Delaware Seal
Apostille - price dependent on country
Annual Registered Agent Service
Mail Forwarding Service
Phone Message Forwarding Service
Fax Forwarding Service
Email Forwarding Service
LLC Tax Advance Service
Corporate Tax Advance Service
Bookkeeping Service
Administrative Service
Referral Services
First Name
Last Name
Daytime Phone Number
Please provide a U.S. phone number
Mailing Address
This should not be a P.O. Box.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Corporate Name
All names are subject to availability. All corporate names must include an incorporating word such as Association, Company, Club, Foundation, Fund, Incorporated, Society, Institution, Union, Syndicate, Limited, or an abbreviation of an incorporating word.
Corporate Name Option 2
Corporate Name Option 3
Authorized Shares of Stock
We normally set up your corporation with the minimum number of shares (without par value) required to qualify for the lowest incorporating fees and lowest franchise taxes. We will include the standard unless you declare otherwise.
Use Standard Shares (1,000)
Declare Par Value (indicate amount below)
LLC - No Shares
Name of Director
If you would like this to appear in your incorporation paperwork than enter the name of your Director.
First Name
Last Name
Name of Officer
If you would like this to appear in your incorporation paperwork than enter the name of your Officer.
First Name
Last Name
What is the nature of your business?
By checking this box you testify that Corporate Holding Services, Inc. nor any of its employees have provided you with any legal or financial advice.